Importance of Environment in our life


Today we will understand that Why Environment is Important?, as much food and water are necessary for our living, as much clean environment is necessary for us. 

Today, if we are living our life clean and disease free, then the environment has a very important contribution in it. Before knowing the importance of environment, it is important for us to know what is environment. So let's know about it in detail.

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Meaning of Environment

The word environment meaning is made up of two words environment + cover. In which Pari means to surround, and cover means to surround.

Trees, plants, animals, trees and plants etc. come under the environment, that is, whatever is around us, whether it is living or non-living, all are connected with our environment.

Today life is possible on earth, the only reason for this is the environment, if the environment was not favorable for us, then perhaps we and you would not be there today.

All the things we come in contact with in our daily life are present in the environment, nature has provided us with pure and clean environment, it should be our effort to keep it clean at all cost.

World Environment Day

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June to make people understand the importance of environment and spread awareness about it.

The first Environment Day was celebrated on 5 June 1973. Awareness programs are also organized at many places on this occasion.

Importance of Environment

We are from environment, environment importance is very important for everyone's life, because life on earth is possible only from environment. All human beings, animals, natural, vegetation, trees, plants, climates, seasons are all contained within the environment.

The environment not only serves to maintain balance in the climate, but also provides everything necessary for life.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Environment

"Advantages of Environment "

We get clean air from the environment. Environment is an important part of our life. Environment includes organic, inorganic, natural and man-made things.

The natural environment includes trees, shrubs, rivers, water, sunlight, animals, wind, etc. The air we breathe every moment, the water we cannot live without and which we use in our daily routine, trees and plants. They have great importance in our life.

These are all natural things that make life possible on earth. They come under the environment itself. Greenery of trees and plants removes the tension of the mind and provides peace to the mind. Many diseases are also removed from the environment itself.

Environment helps humans, animals and other living things to grow and develop. Man is also an important part of the environment. Being a component of the environment, we should also promote the environment.

To sustain this life on the environment we have to maintain the reality of the environment.

"Disadvantages of Environment"

In today's era, environmental pollution is increasing very fast. The nature of the environment is getting destroyed due to the increasing population. Everywhere where there are dense trees, big buildings are being built by cutting them down.

Car smoke, noise of machines in factories, all these are causing bad chemical water, air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution. It has become a matter of concern, extremely dangerous. Due to which we are facing many kinds of diseases and our body always keeps getting spoiled.

Today, where technology and technology have been promoted in science and there has been a lot of development in the world, on the other hand it is also responsible for increasing environmental pollution. Due to modernization, use of technology and technology, the environment is being adversely affected.

Human beings are cutting trees and plants due to their selfishness and playing with natural resources, which is causing a lot of damage to the environment, not only this, due to some man-made reasons, the atmosphere, hydrosphere etc. are affecting the earth. , The temperature is increasing and the problem of global warming is being created, which is extremely dangerous for human health.

Environment is a precious gem for us. We all need to be aware of this environment. To increase the beauty of the environment, we should also take special care of cleanliness.

Understanding the importance of trees, we should plant more and more saplings. Dense trees keep the atmosphere pure and provide us with shade. The dense trees are also the habitat of animals and birds. So we should plant more and more trees. 

Environment and life

Environment and man are incomplete without each other i.e. man is completely dependent on environment. Man cannot even imagine his life without environment, even though today science has made a lot of progress.

But what nature has given us cannot be compared. Therefore man should avoid exploiting nature for the attainment of material happiness.

Air, water, fire, sky, land are the five elements on which human life rests and we get all this from the environment. Environment not only takes care of our health but also gives us happiness and peace like a mother.

Environment, Technology, Progress and Pollution

There is no doubt that the advanced technology of science has made the life of man very easy, while it has not only saved time but man has also made a lot of progress. But science has made many such discoveries, which are affecting our environment, and which are posing a threat to human health.

Importance of environmental protection and measures 

  • Industry contaminants and laundry must be disposed of properly.
  • Environment is a precious gem for us. We all need to be aware of this environment. To increase the beauty of the environment, we should also take special care of cleanliness.
  • Understanding the importance of trees, we should plant more and more saplings. Dense trees keep the atmosphere pure and provide us with shade. The dense trees are also the habitat of animals and birds. So we should plant more and more trees.
  • Indiscriminate felling of trees should be stopped.
  • Vehicles should be used only in times of extreme need.
  • Strict laws should be made for the disposal of contaminated and poisonous substances.
  • People should spread awareness to understand the importance of environment.

  • The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was started by the Prime Minister of our country, Shri Narendra Modi. It is an initiative taken for environmental balance. 

  • So we should save our environment. People should be made aware about the importance of environment. A clean environment is very necessary to lead a peaceful and healthy life.

10 Reason why environment is so Important

  • 1. Environment is made up of two words, Apparel + Cover, it means the environment that surrounds us.
  • 2. There is a close relationship between the environment and man.
  • 3. We are from environment, environment is very important for everyone's life because life on earth is possible only from environment.
  • 4. We get water, air, etc. factors from the environment.
  • 5. Environment Asif maintains the balance in the climate but provides everything necessary for life.
  • 6. World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June to make people understand the importance of environment and spread awareness.
  • 7. We get clean air from the environment.
  • 8. The natural environment includes trees, shrubs, rivers, water, sunlight, animals, wind, etc.
  • 9. Environment not only takes care of our health but also gives us happiness and peace like a mother.
  • 10. Dense trees are the habitat of animals and birds. Dense trees keep the environment pure.

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